

Neurosurgery located in Birmingham, AL

Meningioma services offered in Birmingham, AL

If you have vision changes, memory loss, ringing in your ears, or headaches, it could be due to a meningioma (tumor). The highly trained neurosurgeons at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine in Birmingham, Alabama, detect and remove meningiomas to reduce problematic symptoms and your risk of severe complications. Call the office to schedule an evaluation or use the online booking feature today.

Meningioma Q&A

What is a meningioma?

A meningioma is a tumor that develops in your head from membranes that surround your spinal cord and brain (meninges). It’s often considered a brain tumor because it can squeeze or compress your brain and nerves. Meningiomas often grow slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. However, when left untreated, they can lead to debilitating problems.

What are the symptoms of a meningioma?

The hallmark symptoms of meningiomas include:

  • Vision changes
  • Double vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Hearing loss
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Headaches
  • Loss of smell
  • Memory loss
  • Arm or leg weakness
  • Seizures
  • Language problems
  • Weakness

The symptoms often begin subtly and become more severe over time when left untreated. Potential complications may include personality changes, difficulty concentrating, and sensory problems.

What are the risk factors for a meningioma?

While it’s not always clear what causes meningiomas, possible risk factors include:

  • Family history of meningiomas
  • Radiation exposure
  • Inherited nervous system disorders
  • Being a woman
  • Obesity

Having a body mass index (BMI) that’s considered high may increase your risk of developing meningiomas, but the relationship between the two isn’t clear.

How does my provider diagnose a meningioma?

Your specialist can diagnose a meningioma after reviewing your medical history and your symptoms. They also complete a physical exam and order a CT scan or an MRI to obtain detailed images of your brain. You may also need a tumor biopsy to confirm a diagnosis and rule out other types of tumors. 

How are meningiomas treated?

Your personalized meningioma treatment plan depends on its size, location, and growth rate, as well as your age and symptoms. Your specialist may recommend watchful waiting or surgery to remove all or part of the meningioma. 

If the tumor is cancerous, you might also need radiation therapy. Sometimes you undergo radiation therapy without surgery if your specialist isn’t able to safely remove the meningioma. While rarely needed, chemotherapy is another treatment option for a cancerous meningioma. 

Your Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine specialist tailors each treatment to offer you the best outcome without bothersome or severe symptoms. They follow up with you to make sure your treatment is effective. Don’t hesitate to call the office with any questions you may have.

To find out if you have a meningioma or receive treatment for your condition, schedule an appointment at Alabama Neurological Surgery & Spine by phone or online today.